Alpha Mobile Banking Guide


This is mobile application is meant to facilitate the many different operations and bank processess that exist on the alpha platform. The mobile Banking transactions performed on this application is instantly synchronized with the data in the centralised Alpha-Database.
The mobile application has the following features:
  • Login
  • Checkbook Requests
  • Transfer Order
  • Account Balance
  • Transaction History
  • Update Username
  • Change Password
  • Help
  • Sign-out


Once the "Alpha Mobile Banking" Application is launched, a splash screen is displayed then the "login screen" is also displayed.
To login to the application, the user enters:

  • The Username
  • The Password
  • Then clicks on the "Sign in" button.
splash Splash Screen
login Login Screen

Once the user is logged-in,
He/she selects the particular account they want to use.
Note:A user can have many accounts.
splash Select Account Screen

Once an account is seleted, the user can access the menu and perform any operations they want.
splash Application menu Screen

Checkbook Requests

User clicks on "checkbook Request" on the application's menu.
Any available checkbook request will be displayed.
To add a new Chekbook Request, the user clicks on the splash button, the new checkbook Request form is displayed To add a new "Checkbook Request":

  • Member saving is displayed automatically
  • user code is also displayed automatically
  • user's account number for the selected account is also displayed
  • the user selects the pages
  • user enters their phone number
  • user enters their Account Name
  • user entrs any "additional notes"
  • Then clicks on "send Request" button.
check bk No Available checkbooks
check bk new Request New Checkbook

In case all the fields are not filled or any errors, during the proess . The system reurns an error message to the user.

Transfer Order

User clicks on "Transfer Order" on the application's menu.
Any available Transfer Order will be displayed.

Note:validated transfer orders will indicate the keyword beloww "Validated" and rejected ones will indicate the keyword "Rejected" To add a new Transfer Order, the user clicks on the splash button, the new Transfer Order form is displayed
To add the new "Transfer Order":

  • Member saving is displayed automatically
  • user code is also displayed automatically
  • user's account number for the selected account is also displayed
  • the user enters the Beneficiary Name
  • user enters Beneficiary number
  • user enters Account to Transfer
  • user enters "reason to transfer"
  • Then clicks on "send Request" button.
trans List of Transfer orders
trans new New Transfer orders

Account Balance

User clicks on "Account Balance" on the application's menu.
The available Account Balance will be displayed.

The latest transactions will also be displayed.


Transaction History

User clicks on "Transaction History" on the application's menu.
The Transaction History view is displayed, Then the user selects:
-From Date and
To Date
Then clicks on the "Select Request" button.

The list of transactions is been loaded..

trans Date select view
trans new Transaction list loading

-All the available transactions within that date range is been displayed
-If the "From" and "To" date are not seleted, an "error message" will be displayed
trans Available transactions
trans new Error Message

Update Username

User clicks on "Update Username" on the application's menu.
The Update Username view will be displayed.

The user enters:

  • Currebt username
  • password
  • New username
  • Then clicks on "Send Request" button, to save the change in username


Note: Clicking on this menu-item, gives the user access to the documentation (which you are using right now)


Clicking on this menu-item, -signs the user out of the application
-Displays a "goodbye" splash screen
